6 Lumen Road, North Wembley, HA9 7RE

CBT - Compulsory Basic Training

So what is a CBT?

Compulsory basic training (CBT) was introduced in 1990 to help reduce the very high accident rate among inexperienced motorcyclists. CBT must be completed by Law, before any new moped or motorcycle rider is allowed to ride on the road with L-plates or D-plates in Wales. Once completed the CBT certificate (DL196) is issued on the same day. It lasts for two years. Within that period you can either progress to a full licence or renew the CBT for a further two years.

You will need to complete CBT training course if:

– you want to ride a moped (a moped has an engine not over 50 cc with maximum design speed not exceeding 50 kilometres per hour (km/h) which is approximately 31 miles per hour)

– you want to ride a motorcycle/scooter up to 125cc

Note: If you obtained your car licence before 1 February 2001 you do not need to complete a CBT to ride a 50cc moped*.

Age restrictions on CBT training course London:

  • Age 16 You can ride a 50cc moped (geared or automatic)
  • Age 17+ You can ride a 125cc learner bike (geared or automatic)

What does CBT training course involve?

A. Introduction
B. practical on-site training
C. practical on-site riding
D. practical on-road training
E. practical on-road riding

The five elements have to be completed in sequence, although the order of the exercises within the element can be varied. You will only move on to the next element when your instructor is satisfied you have learnt the necessary theory and demonstrated the practical skills to a safe basic level. Trainees must, by law, receive a minimum two hour on-road ride in Element E.

Certificate of completion (DL 196) When all five elements have been satisfactorily completed (this may take more than one day), a certificate of completion, called the DL196, is issued. This is a legal document which validates the relevant entitlements on your driving licence.

Our CBT training Courses usually start either 8.00am, 9:00, 10:00 or 11.00am, although we do occasionally offer 12.00 pm classes in the summer. They will normally take six to eight hours to complete.

It is important that the holder of a DL196 considers the following points:

a DL196 certificate validating a provisional moped or provisional motorcycle entitlement lasts for 2 (two years) – The CBT will have to be retaken if both theory and practical tests are not passed within the two years.

If you want to ride a 50cc moped and you pass your car driving test whilst your DL196 is still current or complete a CBT course and obtain a DL196 after passing your car test, the certificate is not subject to expiry, you will therefore need to keep your DL196 certificate safely. Please note that this applies to 50cc mopeds only.

For riding motorcycles and scooters over 50cc as a learner the DL196 remains valid for two years only. Unless both theory and practical tests are passed within the two year period and a full motorbike license is acquired.

Who can teach you to ride?

Only instructors certified by the Driving and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) can teach CBT at an approved training body (ATB). ATBs must have instructors who have successfully completed a two day assessment and have sites approved by the DVSA for off-road training.

Please note:

At any point throughout the CBT training course the instructor may stop training and ask the student to rebook. This may be due to a number of reasons. If this is the case the instructor will explain why he/she has chosen to do so and be available to give a full debrief and answer any questions. Any rebooking will be charged at a reduced rate. Dependant on your ability he / she may recommend either rebooking a CBT or to take an ITM first before rebooking.

Our CBT courses will enable you able to learn all the basic and essential facets to handle a motorcycle or scooter. You will learn the basic skills that make your bike obey your commands and will raise your confidence, and road awareness.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Please note:

I have a driving licence for a car – do I need a CBT to ride a 50cc Moped?

If you passed your car driving test on or after 1 February 2001, you can ride a moped, but only if you complete a CBT course to confirm your full moped rights. You only need to do this once instead of repeating every two years – but keep the CBT certificate safe as it will be your only proof. Remember this only allows you to ride a 50cc moped – nothing larger. If you passed your car driving test before 1 February 2001 you don’t need to complete a CBT course to ride a moped. However, we and the Driving and Vehicle Standards Agency (DVSA) highly recommend that you do. If you want to ride a 125cc scooter or motorcycle you must complete a CBT every 2 years.

How long is a CBT training course?

The CBT training course should last for at least 4 to 8 hours. There is a set routine that is regulated by the DVSA. You will be taught elements in turn and when you are safe to go onto the next element then you progress through all the five stages. Most people get through in one day but sometimes a customer may need to come back another day to carry on training depending on how well they get on. The CBT training course is completely safety orientated so if you can’t complete all the stages on the day, then a rest and a return later on is the best and safest way to progress. This is also a requirement of the DVSA.

I have never ridden before – is this course OK for me?

Yes – The CBT training course is suitable for complete novice riders, as long as they can ride a bicycle competently, otherwise an Introduction To Motorcycling course would be of benefit first. You must however have a sense of balance, and this is why we ask if you can ride a bicycle. If you can’t talk to us about how to proceed further.

I don’t have a bike or any gear, can I still attend?

Yes – We have loan bikes and mopeds, plus helmets, gloves and jackets, catering for small to extra large. These are included in the price.

Can I train without the original copy of my driving Licence?

Sorry but no you must have the plastic card with you. As the CBT training course is a legally qualified course and is regulated by the DVSA, we have to see the original licence IE. Your plastic photo card and to check your status online, using your NI number.

Can I fail the CBT?

There is no set pass or fail mark for the CBT. It is not a test, but training with an assessment. You need to learn basic skills and demonstrate that you are competent and safe before moving onto the next one. You won’t pass for just turning up so the input from you is to listen, learn and then show that you can do it.

I have not read the Highway Code – will you teach it to me on the day?

No – When you sign your licence you are stating that you have read and understood the Highway Code. You don’t need to be an expert but you will need to know road signs and what the traffic rules mean. You would not expect to win an online or board game without understanding the rules, so how can you expect to win at staying alive on the road if you don’t know the rules?

Alpha Motorcycle Training

  • DSA Approved
  • Well maintained fleet of bikes
  • Helmets, gloves and Jackets provided
  • Fully qualified & experienced staff
  • Male & Female Instructors
  • Expert training systems
  • Warm and comfortable classrooms
  • Good Location Close to Central London

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