6 Lumen Road, North Wembley, HA9 7RE

Terms Conditions

1. Payments: We require full payment in advance on booking to secure your requested dates. Payments can be made by cash/credit/debit card, or via bank transfer. Once we have received your full payment or deposit we will confirm your course dates. Training dates may be lost if full payment is not received, and may be offered to other pupils.

2. Food: A packed lunch is advised for CBT, and suitable monies for a cafe? lunch if you are on a full day training course other than CBT. We provide Tea & Coffee / Tap water without charge, and bottled water is available at a nominal cost.

3. Licence: On the day of your training, you must hold and be in possession of a UK photo card driving licence, complete with the correct provisional category.

You must produce your licence and NI Number upon registration in order for your licence to be verified.

If you have an old-style UK licence with no photo card or a European licence with a UK counterpart then you need to check it has the correct provisional category and most importantly bring a valid in date passport to prove who you are. No other forms of licence or ID are acceptable.

No copies are acceptable. It is your responsibility to bring these documents to all training sessions that you attend. In failing to do so training may be terminated for that day and fees for that day will be lost. This may impact on your course and in your loosing entire course fees.

4. Eyesight: You must be able to read a vehicle number plate from 20.5 meters (67 feet). If necessary aided by the use of glasses/contact lenses, which must be worn throughout training. Alpha Motorcycle Training takes no responsibility if this standard is not met and training fees may be lost.

5. Highway Code: We advise students to read the Highway Code and have an understanding of the rules, regulations and traffic signs found within the Highway Code. Failure to do so may cause the training to be halted and thus loss of training fees may occur, as failure to understand road signs / markings may be deemed as unsafe.

6. Theory Test (Not needed for CBT.) Required for full licence practical test). All motorcycle/moped test candidates must have a motorcycle theory test pass certificate a minimum of 10 working days before the practical element of the full licensing test can be taken.

Motorcycle theory test should be booked direct on 0300 200 1122 or via www.dsa.gov.uk Recommended material is the DSA Official Motorcycle Theory Handbook.

7. Own Motorcycle: If you are using your own machine you must bring along proof of insurance, MOT certificate (if required), and it must have current road tax.

The Motorcycle must also be in a roadworthy condition, displaying legal L Plates front and rear.

If you are attending a post CBT session, you must bring your valid CBT certificate with you for inspection.

8. Clothing: Alpha Motorcycle Training does have loan helmets, gloves and jackets which are regularly checked for cleanliness and damage.

However, you are required to wear sturdy trousers (Jeans), sturdy jacket, sturdy footwear that protects the ankle, leather gloves, and advisable if you can bring your own your helmet if you have one.

9. Attendance: You must attend all the scheduled days of training in full. Attendance requires you to attend on time so please allow for traffic and transport issues.

As the courses are regulated by the DSVA and have a set syllabus they cannot be delayed or postponed for an individual.

Late attendance can lead to you missing your session and your fees being forfeit.

We cannot offer refunds or compensation for missed training sessions or test.

If you do not attend elements of your time-tabled training your course may be terminated with no refund.

Courses are sold as a whole and we cannot offer refunds for part elements not attended.

10. Insurance: The motorcycle is at all times covered by the Alpha Motorcycle Training Third Party Only insurance policy, the terms of which are available for inspection by the hirer at the Training Centre.

The hirer, shall, however, remain liable for any loss or damage to the motorcycle as a result of any accident, collision and any act of negligence of the hirer.

It is possible to purchase a Damage Waiver from Alpha Motorcycle Training which will indemnify the rider from damage to the motorcycle for accidental damage, but not wilful damage.

The hirer also shall remain liable for any loss or damage to a third party as a result of the wilful act or negligence of the hirer, or any breech of the terms of the insurance policy and shall indemnify the lessor from any third party claim, whether consequential or otherwise, which arises there from.

Moreover, from the moment you are assigned a bike (scooter or motorcycle) by your instructor, it becomes your responsibility forthrightly, without the need of signing/accepting any further documentation. Thus, this agreement acts as a provision of a hire agreement.

Any vehicles supplied by the customer for use on any training courses conducted by Alpha Motorcycle Training Ltd will not be covered by Alpha Motorcycle Training insurance policy for motorcycles.

By accepting our Terms & Conditions, and making your booking with us, you agree to the above statements.

Likewise, by making a booking with us you are accepting our Terms & Conditions.

11. Behaviour: Alpha Motorcycle Training is a road safety organisation – if at any time a student shows an unsuitable attitude, or demonstrates unacceptable risk taking or failure to comply with instruction that endangers themselves or others on the road, the course will be terminated at that point and fees forfeited.

The instructor as a licenced DSVA assessor has final decision in this matter.

Additional training may at the company’s discretion be arranged at the student’s full expense.

Alpha Motorcycle Training reserves the right to cancel a candidate’s course or any element of training without refund – should an instructor, member of staff or any third party be subject to assault, abuse or threatening behaviour from the candidate, the relevant authorities may be notified.

12. Cancellations:
A. Notice of cancellation. Alpha Motorcycle Training require sufficient notice to cancel training courses or elements of a course. This allows us to comply with government legislation, to recoup any test fees, to attempt to resell a course to a third-party customer or to reallocate the instructor and training resource elsewhere. If we do not receive sufficient notice of cancellation then the course or session will continue with a space available for you, regardless of your attendance. Fees will not be refunded unless notice (as specified below) is given. Refunds are subject to an administration charge.

B. Definition of working days’ notice. Working days are Monday to Friday 9.00 AM to 5.00 PM and do not include Bank Holidays.

Working days’ notice means allowing us at least the specified full working day(s) notice so as to reschedule.

Notice must be given in a manner sufficient to be properly recorded and acted upon. i.e. telephone call direct to a sales advisor who will note the event on our computer systems.

Example. If one working days’ notice is required, and notice is given on Monday – then this would be sufficient for a course or session on the Wednesday (one full working day in between). However, if notice is given on a Friday then this would be sufficient for a course or session that is starting on the next Tuesday.

Please allow for full working days, and allow for weekends and bank holidays.

C. Refund: To receive a refund, less a 20% admin charge, a minimum of 3 working days’ notice is required for CBT classes, and 9 working Days for DAS.

To move a CBT date 3 working days’ notice must be given.

Full payment would be required for rebooking of training if specified notice is not given.

13. Special offers: Some courses may be sold on special offers and have specific terms and conditions (including cancellation) stated in the offer of sale.

14. Gift certificates: Can be refunded in full if notice is given within 14 days of purchase as stated in our “Money Back Guarantee”.

Outside of Money Back Guarantee period no refund whatsoever can be made.

Certificates may be transferred to a different recipient, subject to a 10% administration charge.

Each Certificate has a one (1) year expiration date from date of issue. No refund, change of recipient or modification can be given when dates have been allocated to the course in part or whole.

Any refund made must be to the original purchaser/card holder. Customers may use their certificate as part payment against courses of a higher value.

15. Started courses: We cannot offer a refund or part refund for courses that have already started. Courses are sold as a block booked package and it is the responsibility of the customer to attend dates as booked or to give sufficient specified notice of cancellation.

16. No fault nonattendance: Should you be ill, injured or suffer any extenuating personal circumstances that precludes you from attending a course you have booked, you will still be required to pay the fee for the training and no refunds can be offered.

Alpha Motorcycle Training will as a matter of goodwill give receipt of your course and confirm nonattendance so you may claim against any insurance you may have.

Alpha Motorcycle Training does not provide or offer any insurance for such circumstances.

We will however offer a discount to retake the course which equates to £20 off the list price.

17. Guaranteed passes: There is no guaranteed pass for any course. We promise to provide the best training possible, but cannot be responsible for your mistakes.

18. Alpha Motorcycle Training/DSA cancellation or reschedule of courses/sessions: Alpha Motorcycle Training and the DVSA reserve the right to alter course and test dates/times without notice.

In the event that your dates or test has to be rescheduled due to adverse weather conditions or any extenuating circumstance, it will be rescheduled for the next available date.

Refunds or compensation cannot be given for reschedule, regardless of circumstance.

19. Bookings of DVSA Tests: Alpha Motorcycle Training pre-books motorcycle test dates with the DVSA (for Direct Access Courses) to fit with the timing of the motorcycle course booked by a learner.

However, you must be aware that on rare occasions the DVSA has to cancel tests due to the unavailability of examiners, industrial action or poor weather conditions, even where they have previously given a written confirmation of the test date. Alpha Motorcycle Training has absolutely no control over such actions by the DVSA.

Alpha Motorcycle Training will make every effort on your behalf to re-arrange your training in order to fit an alternative test date, but cannot be responsible for the inconvenience caused to you by the actions of the DVSA.

Should you require additional training due to the change of test date by the DVSA. Alpha Motorcycle Training reserves the right to charge you for this.

20. Your Safety and Responsibilities
a) Statistics show that motorcycle riding, by its very nature, involves a high degree of risk that can lead to personal injury or death. When booking a course or a lesson, pupils must accept these attendant risks and hazards.

b) You are responsible for always acting in accordance with the directions and advice given to you by your instructor during your training sessions. You are also responsible for making sure that you are adequately dressed and protected for motorcycle riding.

c) You are obliged to inform us of any physical or medical condition or otherwise that could adversely affect safety or training.

d) You must bring your UK driving licence with you for all your training. It is your responsibility to ensure that your UK driving licence is valid and in your possession for training. Should your licence not be valid or you do not bring it to the course, then you will not be able to take the course and you are not entitled to a refund.

21. Our Responsibilities
a) For Direct Access and CBT courses, we will provide you with practical motorcycle training in accordance with the DVSA approved training standards.

b) For all courses, where you have hired a motorcycle, we will provide you with a motorcycle that is compliant with all legal requirements in England & Wales and is roadworthy. We will try and meet your preference for model of bike for bike hire, but do not guarantee this. We will provide a geared machine where requested, but reserve the right to, move you to an automatic machine for safety reasons. This will be determined by your instructor.

c) For Direct Access courses, we do not provide any guarantee that you will pass your Module 1 or Module 2 motorcycle test. If you fail your Module 1 test, you may not be able to take your Module 2 test and you will forfeit your Module 2 test fee. Should you fail either your Module 1 or your Module 2 test, the costs of any additional training, the DVSA test fees and any travel or subsistence costs are your responsibility.

22. Liability
a) Although every effort is made to ensure your safety during your course, you must realistically accept that there is a possibility that an accident may occur that causes loss, damage, expense, personal injury or death to you. Unless shown to be negligent, your instructor and Alpha Motorcycle Training is not liable to you for any expenses, loss, damage, personal injury or death as a result of any accident that may occur.

b) Our liability is limited to any damage caused to the Pupil by our failure to perform the contract or by our improper performance of the contract unless the failure or improper performance was the fault of the Pupil or any other third party or was due to unusual or unforeseeable circumstances which could not have been avoided, and this liability is limited to the price paid for the training course.

23. Bike Hire
*** Please note that this is only applicable if you are hiring a bike from us to do your course with.
Fixed penalties, etc.

The hirer shall be liable, as if the owner of the motorcycle, in respect of any:

Fixed penalty notice offence committed in respect of that motorcycle under part three and the relevant schedules of the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988 as amended by the Parking Act 1989 and that those provisions may be amended or replaced from time to time.

Excess charge which may be incurred in respect of the motorcycle in pursuance of an order sections 45 & 46 of the road traffic regulation 1984 as amended by the Road Traffic Offenders Act 1988 and by the Parking Act 1989, and as those provisions maybe amended or replaced from time to time.

Insurance provided through Alpha Motorcycle Training

• The motorcycle is at all times covered by the Alpha Motorcycle Training Third Party Only insurance policy, the terms of which are available for inspection by the hirer at the Training Centre.

• The hirer, shall, however, remain liable for any loss or damage to the motorcycle as a result of any accident, collision and any act of negligence of the hirer.

• The hirer also shall remain liable for any loss or damage to a third party as a result of the wilful act or negligence of the hirer, or any breech of the terms of the insurance policy and shall indemnify the lessor from any third-party claim, whether consequential or otherwise, which arises there from.

Moreover, from the moment you are assigned a bike (scooter or motorcycle) by your instructor, it becomes your responsibility forthrightly, without the need of signing/accepting any further documentation. Thus, this agreement acts as a provision of a hire agreement.

By accepting our Terms & Conditions, and making your booking with us, you agree to the above statements.

24. Medication
Please make your trainer aware if you are taking any medication or have any medical conditions that could affect your ability to ride a motorcycle/scooter before commencing your course.

25. Privacy & Quality Policy
We do not store credit card details nor do we share customer details with any **3rd parties

All information passed to Alpha Motorcycle Training Ltd. will be treated as confidential. As such no information will be shared with any other company or ** third-party organisation.

** The exception to this rule is that we will provide your name, course and email address to the MCIAC, only after you have provided written consent to do so. This is to enable them to contact you for feedback relevant to the course you have participated in. This is to enable them to monitor our performance against strict criteria as noted in our quality policy. Available from our office.

Copyright You may copy, reproduce, republish, download, post, broadcast, transmit, make available to the public, or otherwise use the site content only if you are using the content to promote Open Road MC Training Ltd. T/A Alpha Motorcycle Training. as a company to do training, visit, invest or do business with. Any other use of the site content requires the prior written permission of Alpha Motorcycle Training.

Unauthorised use of this Site and its content may breach copyright and other intellectual property rights. Alpha Motorcycle Training Ltd. may go to Court to enforce its rights if there is any unauthorised or undesirable use of the brand. Domain names, the domain name listed below is the property of Alpha Motorcycle Training.

The figures reproduced in this website are the most up to date available to the editorial team at the time of going to press (21st of November 2017). While every effort has been made to ensure a high degree of accuracy, the authors can make no guarantees as to the accuracy or reliability of the information quoted.

Alpha Motorcycle Training is the trading name for Open Road MC Training Ltd. 6 Lumen Road, East Lane Business Park, Wembley, HA9 7RE. Company Formation Number 8739277.

These Terms and Conditions supersede any previous versions published.

Motorcycle Training & CBT Training Courses in London