6 Lumen Road, North Wembley, HA9 7RE

What Is Motorbike Training?

Motorbike training are courses used to enhance your riding standards, knowledge and skill so you can become a better motorcyclist. Motorbike training consists of both theory and practice to reduce the chances of accidents occurring by promoting responsible and safe riding.

Why Do Motorbike Training?

Motorbike training courses will help you to develop driving techniques to become a safer rider as well as teach you the most cost-effective ways of getting from A to B.

Upon completion of courses, you will be an advanced motorbike rider who has a better understanding of situations on the road and know the best course of action to lower the risk of accidents.

Not to mention, if you are a new rider completing certain courses is a legal requirement.

CBT Training

Before you can even begin riding on the road you must undertake a Compulsory Basic Training or CBT course. This provides the foundation for new riders to learn the basics of motorbike riding. Despite the CBT course not involving a pass/fail element, assessors must analyze whether a rider is capable of riding on their own.

After an introduction to the course where the instructor explains the different stages and some theories about making smart decisions on the road, you will begin on-site training.

On-site training consists of becoming aware of motorbike machinery. You learn how the motorbike works, how to maintain it, how to park it and where it should be kept. In addition, other basics such as starting and stopping the engine and balancing and controlling the vehicle.

Next is on-site riding where the goal is to spot hazards and make quick decisions. Plus, learning techniques such as OSM (Observation-Signal-Manoeuvre) and PSL (Position-Speed-Look) to further reduce the risk of accidents.

Following this, is the practical on-road training where you further understand the rules and restrictions when riding a motorbike on the road. At this stage, you are adept as a rider and it is all about preparation by fine-tuning your speed, confidence, attitude and body positioning.

The final stage is practical on-road riding where you get to ride on an open road. Your instructor will guide you through an earpiece and give you continual advice with speed restrictions, traffic conditions, emergency stops and U-turns. If your instructor is happy with how you perform on the road, you are ready to ride and have completed the motorbike training